1. Each file in ManuallyCreatedEvents folder contains manually extracted events for each emotions
(happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, anger). There are one event and its frequency in each line which
are separated by tab character.
I am going to be late for an appointment/work 5
2. Similarly AutomaticallyExtractedEvents folder contains events that we extracted by our system.
Each file in noClustered folder, in each line, there are one event, its reliability, its frequency (tab separated)
Ex:you will forget me 6.261881694447788E-11 75
Each file in clusteredEvents folder, there are clusters of similar events sorted by cluster's frequency
Ex:someday you will forget me 0.10290831327438354 6 you will forget about her 0.09604775905609131 4 you will forget me 0.014152615331113338 5 you will forget about me 8.75978366821073E-5 63 you will just forget about me 2.3247452190844342E-5 3
We have also provided judgements from two annotators about emotions corresponding to particular events. You can download the file here.