Yearly Archive: 2018
Oriental COCOSDA 2018(O-COCOSDA2018)
Society:Oriental COCOSDA 2018(O-COCOSDA2018) Date:7th-8th, May, 2018 Location:Miyazaki, Japan Sahoko Nakayama(M2), Sashi Novitasari(intern) gave their presentations.
Seiya Kawano(D1) won “Best Paper Award Runner-Up” by International Workshop on Spoken Dialog System Technology (IWSDS2018).
Dialogue Scenario Collection of Persuasive Dialogue with Emotional Expressions via Crowdsourcing
International Workshop on Spoken Dialog System Technology (IWSDS2018)
Society: International Workshop on Spoken Dialog System Technology (IWSDS2018) Date: May 14-16 Location: Singapore Nguyen The Tung(D1), Seiya Kawano(D1) gave their presentations.
Tanaka Hiroaki (OB) won “SIGBIO優秀プレゼンテーション賞” and “2017年度SIGBIO学生奨励賞” by DEIM 2018.
Semantically Readable Distributed Representation Learning and Its Expandability Using a Word Semantic Vector Dictionary
Date:13th-14th, March 2018 Location:Promotion of Machine Industry Hayato Maki(D3) gave his presentation.