Society: NC IBISML IPSJ-MPS IPSJ-BIO Date:17th-19th, June 2019Location: Okinawa Syunnosuke Motomura(M2) gave his presentations.
Society: NC IBISML IPSJ-MPS IPSJ-BIO Date:17th-19th, June 2019Location: Okinawa Syunnosuke Motomura(M2) gave his presentations.
Society: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal ProcessingDate:12 – 17 May, 2019Location: Brighton, UK. Marco Vetter(D3), Andros Tjandra(D3), Holy Lovenia (intern) gave their presentations.
Society: IWSDS2019 Date:24th-26th, April 2019 Location: Siracusa, Italy Koichiro Yoshino (Assistant Prof.) gave his presentation.
Society: 25th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing (NLP2019) Date: 12th-15th, March, 2019 Location: Nagoya, Japan Yuta Nishimura (M2), Katsuki Chousa (M1), Hisao Katsumi (M2), Tomomasa Furukawa (M2), Shohei Tanaka (M1), Tsuyoki Ujiro (M2), Hiroki Tanaka (Assistant Professor), Nurul Lubis (D3), Andros Tjandra (D2), Sashi Novitasari (M1), Sahoko Nakayama (M2),Kano Takatomo (D3),Johanes Effendi (D1) gave their presentation.
Andros Tjandra (D3) wons the 18th Best Student Presentation Award at Autumn ASJ 2018.
Professor Satoshi Nakamura was ranked top 7 of the most productive author in the NLP4NLP Corpus (I): 50 Years of Publication, Collaboration and Citation in Speech and Language Processing
Society:85th IPSJ SIG-SLUD Date:7th-8th, March 2019 Location:Kyoto Japan Kohei Wakimoto (M2) gave his presentation.
Society: IEEE SLT 2018 Workshop on Spoken Language Technology Date: 18-21, December 2018 Location: Royal Olympic Hotel, Athens, Greece Andros Tjandra(D2), Sahoko Nakayama(M2), Sakriani Sakti (Associate Professor) gave their presentations.
Society:2019 Spring Meeting Acoustic Society of Japan(ASJ) Date:5th-7th, March 2019 Location: Japan, Tokyo Yanagita Tomoya(D1) gave his presentation.
Sakriani Sakti(Assoc Prof.) received the NAIST Best Teaching Award!