Society: IPSJSIG Date:7th, March 2019 Location: Tokyo Atsuya Shibata (M2) gave his presentation.
Society: IPSJSIG Date:7th, March 2019 Location: Tokyo Atsuya Shibata (M2) gave his presentation.
Seiya Kawano(D1) got the SLP Award (Yahoo! JAPAN) http://isw3.naist.jp/IS/PubWG/Events-ja/award20190228_kawano.html
Society: The Second AAAI Workshop on Reasoning and Learning for Human-Machine Dialogues Date:27th, January, 2019 Location:USA, Honolulu Koichiro Yoshino(AP), Hisao Katsumi(M2), Ryo Nakamura(M2) gave their presentations.
Society: IPSJ SIG-SLP(Special Interest Group of Spoken Language Processing) Date: 10th-11th, December 2018 Location: Tokyo, Japan Andros Tjandra(D2), Wu Bin(D1), Seiya Kawano(D1) gave their presentations.
Society:A*Star-JST Joint Workshop 2019 Date:15th, January, 2019 Location:Singapore, A*Star Koichiro Yoshino (AP) gives his presentation.