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Symposium on Next Generation Spoken Language Research 2019

Society: Symposium on Next Generation Spoken Language Research 2019Date:September 2, 2019Location: Millennium Hall, Nara Institute of Science and Technology発表者: Satoshi Nakamura, Katsuhito Sudoh, Sakriani Sakti, Hiroki Tanaka Satoshi Nakamura (Professor), Katsuhito Sudoh (Associate Professor), Sakriani Sakti (Research Associate Professor), and Hiroki Tanaka (Assistant Professor) gave their presentations.


Society: ICMI2019Date: October 14-18, 2019Location: Suzhou, Jiangsu, China Hiroki Tanaka (AP), Shunnosuke Motomura (M2) and Taiki Kinoshita (M2) gave their presentations.

Oriental COCOSDA 2019

Society: Oriental COCOSDA 2019Date:25th-27th, October 2019Location: Philippine Cebu Satosi Nakamura(Prof.), Sakriani Sakti (Assoc Prof.), Mayuko Okamoto (M2) and Sahoko Nakayama (D1) gave their presentations.


Society: INTERSPEECH2019 Date: September 16-19, 2019 Location: Graz, Austria Sakriani Sakti (Research Associate Professor), Ivan Halim Parmonangan (M2), Sashi Novitasari (M2) gave their presentations.


Confernece: The 20th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group onDiscourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2019)Date: 11th-13th, September, 2019Location: KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden SIGDIAL2019 was held at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden.Satoshi Nakamura (Prof.) and Koichiro Yoshino (AP) servedgeneral chair and publicity chair respectively.


Society:IPSJ-SIGNL 241Date:29th-30th, August 2019Location: Otaru, Hokkaido Yoichi Ishibashi (M2), Hidekazu Takatsuji (M2), Kosuke Takahashi (M2), Shohei Tanaka (M2), Katsuki Chousa (M2), Kazuki Tsunematsu (M2) and Kosuke Futamata (M2) gave their presentations.